February Sunset
Satan is throwing out his darts like crazy, and the people he uses are so beaten and tired.
It’s almost like they don’t want to do his bidding because they look at me with sad eyes. I trust in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. I will make it.
When I launched Jesus lives two years ago someone I reached out to called the State of Washington on me. The person I had given a track too called them and told them I was hiring undocumented workers from China.
Later, when they found out I did not have any employees, and never had any employees at all, and that they had been lied too, they doubled down and called the IRS on me. Now I am in the audit of my life.
For two years now the IRS has been plowing through my bank records and personal stuff and now they are really sticking it to me with fines, etc. Lost receipts, uncategorized expenses, a lazy accountant, and the next thing you know its a bonfire. Tent City expenses for food – cant write them off because its not “through the ministry”, all of those pizzas I get them on saturday nights – cant write them off unless its “through a ministry”…. so now I am in trouble.
Thank God I now have Jesus lives now. I can finally feed the poor and write off the expenses! Praise Jesus!
Then another arrow hit me a few months ago. A Betrayal. A big one from a church leader.
Then more little arrows.
Little texts all day from leadership complaining about the morning after Jesus Lives service. “We found a spoon in the sink”, or “There was a piece of toilet paper left in the bathroom”. You really feel it at a new level. Its like a heaviness and a burden, but it’s worth it because the reward is wisdom and anointing and that means reaching more souls.
To make matters worse my parents and the grandparents are in need of full time care, and as a result I have been struggling financially.
I have also been struggling with my fast. It’s day 51 Daniel! It’s cold, the skies are grey, and this fast is killing me!
- I want steak.
- I want some chicken.
- I want a Five Guys and fries or better yet a Burgermaster with onion rings and fries, my flesh cries out but no Lord!
The good news is that on Saturday in the Kitchen Tent at Tiny Cabins I laid hands on someone and I felt what they were suffering from. No voice, just a feeling. I prayed for him and for his situation. I whispered into his ear exactly what I “felt” he needed prayer for and afterwords he asked me “How did you know?” I don’t know how I knew, and until he asked me “how I knew” I did not remember knowing his need. It’s like it was given, then it was taken back, but during the prayer it was so real.
This new knowledge is worth all of the arrows the enemy can throw my way. Tomorrow I will feel fine.
Sitting in the parking lot this evening of my local QFC I sat and cried at my situation. I prayed for God to help me with my faith and my situation. My daughter and her friend came to the car with their bag of treats and said “Look at the sunset”.
I looked and snapped this pic.
God is Good.