It’s 83 Degrees in May!
I love preaching on Saturday’s but this Saturday was a HOT ONE!
Almost 85 degrees and no AC in those tents, but I preached my heart out and a muslim brother came forward and started to sing “amazing grace”!
I noticed tonight that I didn’t have to do anything at all but worship, and preach. Just ushering in the presence of the Holy Spirit is all I needed to do. He just takes over and does all of the work, and He did.

I remember that first time down there, people were heckling at me and calling me horrible names. In my minds eye I still see my soaked converse shoes all muddy from standing in that mud puddle under the kitchen tent because it was raining so hard, but I stuck with it.
Julian and I kept giving them PLENTY of pagliacci’s pizza and Jesus took over. We were allowed to see the greatest mystery of all and witness the Holy Spirit at work.
After service as soon as the sun began to set it began to get cold fast! I ended up sporting a sleeping bag in my jeep back to Bellevue.