July Diary
Jesuslives.com is growing and last Thursday we had so many in attendance. I know its not about numbers but I am so grateful that Jesus allows me to see fruit on the tree finally after so many months where no one seemed to come. I remember being so discouraged when I would invite people, but I did not give up because I knew there was a light at the end of the tunnel. As a result, I have been convicted to try harder to be a better example to people coming into Jesus Lives.
We want to see lives changed and there are so many lives that are changing here. People are thirsty for Jesus here and when your really thirsty is when you can make up ground quickly. Ground you lost during the times you never cared, did not come to church, was living in the world, whatever took up your ground Jesus is using our ministry to make up lost ground. It’s so encouraging to see people come and hear the word and get changed.
I also ask prayer Lord that the two homeless shelters we have reached out to allow us to teach on Saturday afternoon’s.
Father God we pray that people come into Jesus Lives to get healed, changed, and to get to know you better. We pray that everyone is blessed going in and blessed going out. We pray Father God for supernatural signs and wonders. We pray for financial and medical breakthroughs in the name of Jesus!