Late Nights Prayers
I’ve been through many hardships with my wife on this journey of faith. Many of which involved having blind faith in our Lord. All of our struggles are important to remember as October comes because this is the month in which I feel that many people struggle.
With the holiday season right around the corner and trying to balance a load of different things whether it’s work or family. I find that when I’m up late at night, not sure what to do about certain things going on in my life, God is always the answer.
Praying late at night has been a better sleep aid to me than anything I could find in a store. There’s something so relieving to know that the Lord has heard your prayers and that they will soon be taken care of.
The Lord is the best listener for anyone who will talk to Him. He is so grateful to hear His children talk to Him even if we aren’t struggling with anything.
Making time to pray–even if it’s late at night when you cannot sleep, I promise the Lord will listen. Anytime of day or night, the Lord is listening.
Brother Phil