New Year, New Repentance! Time to Repent and Start Over with Christ
As the new year rolls in, we think of ways to better ourselves and set resolutions for problems we have. It’s a great time to draw closer to the Lord, especially those of our brothers and sisters who are lost without faith. I use this time to examine aspects of my own life and past as well. I consider the poor ways in which I behaved in my past–and while God has kept me in good health, I cannot help but recognize how far I’ve come.
I am no longer someone who holds onto their past but we all have things we hold onto. For a lot of my life I focused on materials and how I could impress those around me with money, cars, and things alike. These are not virtuous and they are not the worship that is desired of us. The Lord wants us to offer our most coveted possessions to him and lead lives free of these distractions from his love.
The new year is not only a perfect time for me to give praise to the good Lord, but it serves as the perfect personal reminder that He has kept me in this world for a reason. The new year marks another 365 days that I can spread His word and love to those who are in need of the good news; the gospel.
Although some people do not understand my message, I spread it as best I can because the good Lord has given me this mission. It is so clear to me.
Therefore, I urge all of my brothers and sisters to repent on their pasts–we all have committed sins against the Lord but he is ever forgiving and loves us all. I pray for all of you to find peace within the Lord and to accept him in your lives as your God.
Pray, Repent, and Live in a way that would please our Lord!
Brother Phil